Kickoff Get Together and other notes

Pacific NW Offshore Racers,

 OH MY! The race is one month out! Sneaks up on you (and me) doesn't it. Lot's of final details to cover over the coming several weeks. There is still time for a boat to register because registration closes next Monday, April 17. If there is a boat that is interested and can pull it together, please have them contact me or Craig Garrison, now.

 It's been awhile since I've posted. Clearly I'm wearing too many hats. Craig has been a trouper with this year's race, and handling lots of tasks in my absence. Thank you Craig. If you are a skipper and haven't scheduled or been in contact with Craig about your inspection, please give him a jingle and while you're at it thank him for all his hard work. 

As to the Kickoff Get Together, it'll be at Kells on 23rd like last year. It's this Monday April 17 at 6:00. Everyone is welcome racing or not. Pass the word.

If you are a skipper and haven't made moorage arrangements in Ilwaco or Victoria, please get on this item immediately. The links are on the website. 

The Sailing Instructions will be published on the website late today or tomorrow. No surprises. 

Look for an increasing number of mails from me as we tidy up loose ends. 

See you in Ilwaco,
Denny Damore
CYC Race Captain