Registration for PNWO 2023 is now open

Just in time for the holidays, CYC registration is now open for the Schooner Creek Boat Works Pacific NW Offshore. We’re headed back to Victoria, BC with our post race barbecue and awards at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club. Nevertheless, we want to send a big shout out to the folks at Port Angeles Yacht Club for all their help and hospitality over the last two years. The race will have Ilwaco, Washington as our host city again for the start. Our dates are two weeks before Swiftsure, May 11-14, 2023, which is a great shakedown race to get you, your boat, and your crew ready to kick behind in Victoria over the Memorial Day in one of the Swiftsure races. The registration link at Regatta Network is: PNWO Registration

See you in Ilwaco.

CYC Board and Schooner Creek Boat Works